The Fixture Setup Tab
Set elements for creating a fixture setup using the following tabs:
• Components — Use the following options to assemble a fixture component:
◦ ![](../../manufacturing/expmach/images/ncd_fixt_asm_comp.png)
— Click to insert a fixture component. In the dialog box that opens, select a fixture and click
Open. Alternatively, right-click the graphics window and click
Assemble. The
Component Placement tab opens.
◦ Constrain and place the fixture using options on the
Component Placement tab and click
. You are taken back to the
Fixture Setup tab and the placed fixture name appears in the box on the
Components tab. The fixture name is prefixed with the
visibility status icon and suffixed with the component name and ID. This box also lists any other components in the fixture setup, along with their visibility status.
◦ To hide a component, right-click
and select
Hide from the shortcut menu. The fixture name appears with the
icon. To display the component again, right-click and select
Unhide from the shortcut menu.
◦ To remove a component from a fixture setup, right-click
and select
Delete from the shortcut menu.
| When you add fixture setup components, they may clutter the screen and make it difficult to select surfaces for feature creation. You can hide the fixture components from the Model Tree. This action erases them from the display but keeps them in the fixture setup. |
◦ ![](../../manufacturing/expmach/images/ncd_fixt_cpy_comp.png)
— Click to copy a previously defined fixture setup from the list in the
Select Feature dialog box that opens. This icon is available only when there are previously defined fixture setups. If you adjust placement of the components, both fixture setups will be affected.
• On the Process tab, optionally specify the Actual Time for completing the fixture setup process.
• On the Properties tab, optionally specify the name or comments for the setup.
◦ Name—Displays the name of the setup. You can type another name.
◦ Comments—Type the comments associated with the setup in the text box or use the following options:
▪ ![](../../manufacturing/expmach/images/open.png)
— Read in an existing text file containing setup comments and replace any current setup comments.
▪ ![](../../manufacturing/expmach/images/ncd_comment_insert.png)
— Insert the contents of an existing text file of setup comments at the cursor location. Preserve any current setup comments
▪ ![](../../manufacturing/expmach/images/i_save.gif)
— Save current setup comments in a text file.
▪ ![](../../manufacturing/expmach/images/ncd_comment_accept.png)
— Accept the current setup comments.
• Select one of the following options to complete the setup:
◦ Click
to save the changes.
◦ Click
to pause the process and use one of the asynchronous tools. Click
to resume.
◦ Click
to cancel the changes.